' Happy Birthday! | Adventures with FitNyx

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy Birthday!

It's my birthday!  I'm a whopping 30 YEARS OLD now, which some people tell me means I'm officially "old."  But while my joints might feel 60+ at times, my heart and soul are as young as ever, and I'm not going to let the big three-O get me down!

I'm also not going to waste too much time blogging today - it's more of a celebrating kind of a day than a writing one!  I was going to do a 30-things-about-me post, but I'd rather go hang out with my friends and family, I'm sure you understand!  Don't forget to check out this week's giveaway for a $50 gift card to Swanson Vitamins, and I'll see you tomorrow with the Wednesday Word!