' Ashi Box March Unboxing - Holi Celebration | Adventures with FitNyx


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ashi Box March Unboxing - Holi Celebration

After months of amazing Sapphire Soul boxes, I started to wonder what other mystic-themed subscriptions boxes I might be missing.  Surely some other spiritually-inclined minds have put together curated collections of beautiful, meaningful things, right?  YES!  There are other boxes out there with holistic, meditation, or even yoga themes, and I'm hoping to bring additional diversity to my spiritual growth by exploring some of the other wonderful treasures the world has to offer.  And for the lover of Indian culture I've been for most of my life, Ashi Box resonates perfectly!

Disclaimer: I received this product at no cost in exchange for my review.  All opinions expressed herein are my own, as always.

The month of March is many things, but most notably, the end of March marks the official beginning of SPRING!  Here in the northern Midwest, spring can never come soon enough (and won't truly be here for another month), so when it finally comes around there's plenty of reason to get excited.  But celebrating the return of spring is never done better anywhere on earth than it is done in India, during the incredible festival of Holi, which is the inspiration for and the theme of the March Ashi Box!

Holi is perhaps best known for the vibrant colors associated with one of the festival's tradition of smearing powdered dyes on the skin of your family, friends, and loved ones.  Naturally, one of the first items I uncovered inside the beautiful recycled-silk sari was a packet of Holi powders in red and yellow!  If you've ever participated in a color run, you've probably played with the same colored powder dyes.  In the same colorful vein, I also received an Imeganation headband in a bright, funky pattern.  It's very comfortable and easy to wear in several different ways, making it a versatile and fun wardrobe accessory perfect for any festivities!

In addition to the Carnival of Color, Holi also honors the vernal equinox (first day of spring) and the triumph of good over evil (symbolized by the retreat of winter in favor of warmer seasons).  My Ashi Box brought spring into my life with a packet of wildflower seed paper cut into adorable little butterflies!  A soon as this nasty last blast of winter clears up, I can't wait to plant my little butterflies and grow myself a wildflower garden.  I also received a little lotus tin with solid perfume inside.  It smells wonderful and is perfect for tucking into my bag for my on-the-go life.  Oh, there were chocolates too, but ummm...  They're gone now.  Yup.  Just vanished.  Noooo idea what happened to those...

Holi is kicked off every year in the evening with a huge bonfire meant to banish evil, so Ashi Box brought the bonfire right into my lap with some Palo Santo!  Though not from India, these incense sticks are such a cute way to bring the symbolism of a larger-than-life event into the home.  The sari in which everything was wrapped is another gorgeous piece of India, and it is perfect for laying across sacred space on a table or shelf altar.  Finally, I received a copper lota, which is used to purify water of negative energies.  It is recommended to fill the pot in the evening before bedtime, allowing the water ample time while you sleep to purify before you drink it upon waking.

What a perfect first-time box!  For those of you who don't know much about my past (which is likely most of you), I actually spent many years studying the religious art and culture of ancient India at the post-graduate level.  Ashi Box intrigued the scholar and the spiritualist in me, and I was not disappointed!  April's box theme is "Goddess Within" - with what I know of Indian goddesses (and it's quite a bit), April ought to be even more amazing than March!  I can't wait to see what treasures I receive next time!

Oh, and you can see for yourself, if you like!  Use promo code goddess20 for 20% off the first box of a new subscription or any single Goddess box from the Ashi Box shop!  The cutoff for Goddess Within orders is April 15th, but even if you miss this one, I guarantee you'll love whatever comes next just as much!

What is your favorite holiday to celebrate?  What traditions make it so special to you?

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